India issues notice to Pakistan for modification of the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT)

India calls on Pakistan to enter inter-governmental negotiations within 90 days

New Delhi – India has issued a notice to Pakistan for the amendment of September 1960’s Indus Water Treaty. To rectify the material breach of the treaty, India has called upon Pakistan to enter inter-governmental negotiations within 90 days.

Despite repeated efforts by India to find a mutually agreeable way forward, Pakistan refused to discuss the issue during the five meetings of the Permanent Indus Commission from 2017 to 2022. Due to Pakistan’s violation of the treaty provisions, India has been compelled to issue a notice of the modification.

The Indus Water Treaty covers the distribution and use of water from 6 rivers namely Beas, Ravi, Sutlej, Indus, Chenab and Jhelum. The World Bank brokered the deal. India accounts for 20% of the total water share of these rivers. India has the right to use the water of these rivers for agriculture and domestic purposes. Along with this, India can set up hydropower projects within certain parameters.

In 2005, the International Water Management Institute and the Tata Water Policy Program demanded the suspension of the Indus Water Sharing Agreement between India and Pakistan. Due to this agreement, Jammu and Kashmir is losing 60,000 crore rupees every year. More than 20 thousand megawatts of electricity can be generated in the Jammu and Kashmir basin; but today this agreement is hindering India’s 2 power plants.