Punjab CM cancelled going to the ‘Changai Sabha’ of Christian missionaries due to the opposition of Hindus and Sikhs !

The chief organiser pastor of the ‘Changai Sabha’ accused of murder and rape

In Changai Sabha, the sick people are given healing treatment by the pastors through prayers and people ‘get well’ for namesake

Chandigarh – Due to the strong opposition of Hindus and Sikhs, the Punjab CM Charanjit Singh Channi cancelled going to the ‘Changai Sabha’ of the Christian missionaries organised in Moga. The Vishva Hindu Parishad has congratulated the Hindus and Sikhs for this. VHP told CM Channi not to encourage the Christian missionaries in the State. The Christian missionaries were warned as well.

The Central Joint Secretary of VHP Dr Surendra Jain said that in such gatherings, the Christian missionaries claim to heal the people. In reality, pastors too died in the corona pandemic. Why couldn’t the Christian missionaries heal the corona patients ? Such ‘Changai Sabha’ must be banned throughout the country.

Sharma, the Moga District President of VHP said that chief facilitator of religious conversions in the District is the pastor, Bajinder Singh. He is accused of murder, rape and religious conversions.

The Punjab CM Charanjit Channi is ‘Crypto Christian’ ! – VHP

Sharma, the Moga District President of VHP has also claimed that the Punjab CM Charanjit Channi is ‘Crypto Christian’. ‘Crypto Christians’ are those who secretly become Christians but behave according to their original religion in public.