171 years ago, a scientist had warned humanity about climate change

New Delhi – In the nineteenth century, multiple warnings were given about climate change and dangers to the Earth and the life on it. In 1850, a similar warning was first given by a lady scientist named Eunice Newton Foote. Due to lack of seriousness regarding climate change and unfair treatment given to women these warnings were brushed off at the time. In the same decade, she was refused to present her thesis on ‘American Association for Advancement of Science’.

Eunice Foote proved in her research, ‘High levels of carbon dioxide are severely affecting the temperature on earth; Carbon dioxide is causing global warming’. However, climate science did not pay heed to it.

In the last 140 years, the temperature of the earth has increased by 2.2%. Scientists are emphasising that ‘had we given serious thought to Eunice’s hypothesis, we could have avoided this situation’.