Celebrate festivals by observing Covid-19 rules : Dr Randeep Guleria, Director, AIIMS

New Delhi – AIIMS Director Dr Randeep Guleria has warned the citizens of the country of the possible rise in Covid cases and said that the States must be careful over the next few weeks of festivities as it could cause an increase in the spread of Covid-19 infections. He said, ‘At this time of the year, I would advise everyone to celebrate; but in a way that this infection should not spread. Follow Covid-19 rules.

It would not be appropriate if our celebrations give rise to the Covid-19 patients, getting them admitted to a hospital or ICU. This will be a negative effect of the festivals. Celebrate the festivals, but at the same time follow the Covid-19 rules’. The Union Ministry of Health has released a video of Dr Guleria in this regard. In the video, he has appealed to the people to be more careful during the festive season.

Dr Guleria further said, ‘We should realise that the virus still exists. Your festivities are starting. There are many festivals that you want to celebrate with family and friends. Many festivals like Dasra, Durga Puja, Diwali, or Chhath Puja are approaching; but, as these festivals approach, we need to be careful because we need to understand that the coronavirus still exists and that the virus is looking for more and more opportunities to spread from one person to another’.