India should support the Balochistan
 freedom movement : Baloch organisations

London (UK) – The UK chapter of the Baloch National Movement (BNM) and associated organisations urged the Indian Government to challenge the atrocities by Pakistan on Baloch people and assist Balochistan’s freedom movement.  This request was made in an event organised to mark Baloch Martyrs’ Day in London.

Members of the BNM as well as groups such as the World Sindhi Congress and Azad Baloch Students Organisation participated in the event.

In the event, they chastised the British Government for being silent on the issue of human rights violation in Balochistan.

Hammal Haider, a Spokesperson of the BNM said that over 20,000 Baloch people have been abducted by Pakistani security forces and many killed in the last two decades. He urged the Indian Government to raise its voice against the atrocities by the Pakistani security forces. He added that India had played an important role in liberating Bangladesh; likewise, India should support them and play a pivotal role in liberating Balochistan.