A conspiracy to instigate Muslim youth to prepare them to carry out Jihad through the fanatic Wahabi ideology

The shocking revelations of the investigation by the National Investigation Agency

There is an attempt to convert Bengal into Bangladesh. However, the TMC Government ignores these activities which is highly dangerous. Central Government must intervene immediately and put a stop to this.

Kolkata (Bengal) – Last month at Murshidabad, the police arrested seven terrorists associated with Al Qaida. The NIA carried out detailed investigations into this case. It was revealed that the Muslim youth from the border districts are drawn towards the Jihad ideology. The conspiracy to prepare them for Jihad came to light.

1. Many small Jihad organisations mushroomed in the State, in recent times. These organisations lure Muslim youth to participate and brainwash them with the fanatic Wahabi ideology. They are being prepared for Jihad.

2. The NIA is getting details of how these organisations attract Muslim youth. Do they have training centres ? Who are the leaders ? How many members each of these organisations muster ?

3. In the past few years, in border districts of Bengal an attempt is on to alter the geography of the region through the population. Jihad activists and Maulavi are active in the region and they regularly cross the borders between India and Bangladesh. They prepare people for a religious war.

4.  Under a directive from the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh Government is taking strict action against Jihad groups. They run away to borders and intrude in Bengal. They spread the Jihad ideology among Muslims.

5. Unemployment is rampant in this region. This eases the task of Maulvai to preach fanatic Wahabi ideology to Muslim youth. The carry out the campaign through leaflets, WhatsApp, hoardings, and other methods. They are instigating the youth for Islamic rule in India.