Citizens’ torch procession against the dams being built by China in Pak-occupied-Kashmir

Even though Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir is part of India, Pakistan can neither do any construction work nor allow any third country to do the same. India should strongly oppose this and force this work to stop !

Muzaffarabad (Pak-Occupied-Kashmir) – In Muzaffarabad, the capital of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, locals took out torch procession on the night of 24th August, to protest against the construction of dams on the Neelam-Jhelum river in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir with the help of a Chinese establishment. Hundreds of people participated in this procession. These people took the torch in their hands and chanted slogans like, ‘Darya Bachao, Muzaffarabad Bachao’ (Save Rivers, Save Muzaffarabad) and ‘Neelam-Jhelum behne do, humein zinda rehne do’ (Let the Neelam-Jhelum flow, let us be alive). Video of this movement has also been aired.

Pakistan and China have signed a contract in the context of the water energy project in Pakistan-occupied-Kashmir. The name of this project is ‘Azad Pattan’.  Under this project, 700 MW power is to be created by the Chinese company by constructing huge dams on the Jhelum and Neelam rivers. The contract for this project has been awarded to the Chinese establishment.

India’s opposition to dams

India has also opposed building a dam on this disputed territory. Local citizens of Pak-Occupied-Kashmir have also opposed the project. There is a fear among the local citizens that by building a dam here by China, the influence of China on this area will increase and more obstacles will be faced by the local people.