Nazia Elahi Khan, known for raising voice against Islamic extremism, receives threats

New Delhi – Nazia Elahi Khan, who voiced her concerns about Islamic extremism on social media, was arrested on September 10th in a blasphemy case. She was accused of insulting Prophet Muhammad, with the complaint filed by Advocate Noor Mehwish. Though Nazia was granted bail after appearing in the Alipore Court, the hostility from fundamentalists has not subsided. Various Muslim groups have started targeting her with hateful rhetoric, and she has been receiving threats. Notably, a Muslim YouTuber named Ejaz Aslam has also issued threats against her.

1. A case was registered against Nazia Khan following her interview on August 3rd , 2024, where she questioned, ” Why are Muslims running shops under Hindu names ?” She also criticised Salim, who considered Hindus as ‘kafirs’, yet named his dhaba after Mahadev.

2. In the interview, Nazia cited examples of Muslim extremism, sparking controversy. She stated, ” If Hindus were to name their shop after Islam, there would be riots, and they would face ‘Sar Tan Se Juda’ (beheading) threats.”


3. Nazia had also highlighted the threat of ‘Spit Jihad’ in one of her videos. She questioned why businesses need to change names and stated, “Only the one who harbours ill will in the mind does so.” She supported Yogi Adityanath’s move encouraging shop owners to use their own names.

Editorial Perspective

Anyone who speaks against Islamic fundamentalism faces threats or violence from Jihadi elements. It is notable that pseudo-seculars remain silent on this issue.