Rahul Gandhi has a habit of standing with anti-national forces : Amit Shah

Rahul Gandhi meets anti-India American lawmakers after anti-Indian journalists

Amit Shah and Rahul Gandhi

New Delhi – Union Home Minister Amit Shah said Rahul Gandhi’s statement “lays bare the Congress’ politics of causing rifts on the lines of regionalism, religion, and linguistic differences”. Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday blasted Congress MP Rahul Gandhi for making “anti-India” and “anti-national” remarks during his trips abroad. He said Gandhi has “always threatened the nation’s security and hurt sentiments. Standing with forces that conspire to divide the country and making anti-national statements have become a habit for Rahul Gandhi and the Congress party. Whether it is supporting the JKNC’s anti- national and anti-reservation agenda in J&K or making anti-India statements on foreign platforms, Rahul Gandhi has always threatened the nation’s security and hurt sentiments,” he tweeted. BJP spokesperson Sudhanshu Trivedi said, Rahul was previously indulging in ‘childish acts’; but now they are engaged in ‘dangerous work’.

Editorial Perspective

Why does the Home Minister not put such a person in jail ?