2 thousand Christians re-enter Hindu Dharma in Nepal

Programme organised by VHP

Event organised by Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) in Nepal

Kathmandu (Nepal) – 2 thousand Christians recently re-entered Hindu Dharma here. This religious programme was organised by Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP). Return into Hindu Dharma was performed according to Hindu rituals. After returning to Hindu Dharma, the new followers looked very happy. Earlier, 8 Muslims re-entered Hindu Dharma at Khajrana Ganesha Temple in Indore, Madhya Pradesh.

About the return programme, devout Hindu named Bhima Parajuli said that people who had accepted Christianity through temptation or ignorance have been welcomed back to Sanatan Dharma. He also said at this time that thousands of people from Sunsari, Morang and other Districts of Nepal are re-entering Hindu Dharma voluntarily.

Editorial Perspective

Islam and Christianity try to increase their followers using force or bait, whereas Hindu Dharma attracts thousands of people only through its unique teachings.