Unreasonable demand to bring ‘Prophet-e-Islam Bill’ to prevent blasphemy in the country !

Demand of ‘All India Muslim Jamaat’ organization !

Bareilly (Uttar Pradesh) – Muslim organizations have demanded the introduction of the ‘Prophet-e-Islam Bill’ to give severe punishment to people who insult the founder of Islam, Prophet Muhammad. This demand was made in a meeting held at the headquarters of ‘All India Muslim Jamaat’ here. They say the law will also prevent derogatory remarks against leaders and individuals of all other religions.

Maulana Shahabuddin Razvi Barelvi warned the government and political parties that often someone insults the dignity of Prophet Islam; but all the people remain silent and no action is taken. (Muslims never remain calm in the country after such humiliation. It has been seen so far that they take the law into their own hands ! – Editor). Therefore, a ‘Prophet-e-Islam Bill’ should be introduced in the Parliament or the Legislative Assembly, so that no one can try to belittle his dignity. If the government so wishes, it can introduce this draft bill by any name. We demand that there should be a strict law against those who insult the Prophet. This law should deal with those who insult any religious leaders or deities. Current laws are inadequate; That is why incidents of religious violence happen.

Muslims are being harassed

Editorial Perspective

Unreasonable demands by Barelvi ! It is a fact that Muslims are not being harassed in India, but Muslims are harassing Hindus!

Maulana Shahabuddin Razvi Barelvi further said that Muslims are being terrorized and harassed in the name of love-jihad, mob killing, conversion, financing of terrorists and terrorism. This should stop. Some radical organizations are trying to marry Muslim girls by threatening them and showing attractive dreams. (It’s like the pot calling the kettle black ! – Editor). This should be recognized and action should be taken against them. As per the Places of Worship Act 1991, the status of places of worship should remain intact, but many cases are pending in the courts. This is polluting the environment across the country. Uniform Civil Code is not acceptable to Muslims.

Editorial Perspective

Why don’t Muslim organizations ever demand severe punishment for those who attack Hindu temples, religious processions, those who attack Hindus, those who wage love jihad, land jihad, spitting jihad etc. ?