Hezbollah fires 320 rockets at 11 military bases of Israel

Israel retaliated by attacking 100 bases of Hezbollah

Tel Aviv (Israel) – Hezbollah, the Jihadi Militants, attacked 11 Israeli Military bases from neighbouring Lebanon with 320 rockets and drones. On 30th July the Chief Commander Fuad Shukra was killed in an Israeli attack. To avenge his death, Hezbollah attacked Israel. However, Israel quickly retaliated by attacking the Lebanon base from where Hezbollah had attacked and 100 other locations. On the other hand, US has declared that it will help Israel for its security.

Whoever dare harm us, will meet the same fate – Prime Minister Netanyahu

After Hezbollah attack, the Defence Minister Yoav Gallant declared emergency for 48 hrs. After this attack the Prime Minister called a cabinet meeting. He said, “We were attacked with rockets, and we have destroyed them. We are ready to do anything for the security of the nation. Whoever dare harm us, will meet the same fate.”

Hamas has accused Israeli soldiers of burning the Quran in a Gaza Mosque. Hamas has called Arab and Islamic countries to condemn this act of Israeli soldiers. Israel has not reacted to this allegation.

Editorial Perspective

India should learn the prompt ‘eye for an eye’ response from Israel.