Authorities uncovered an arsenal linked to the Al-Qaeda terrorist organiation, located just 700 meters from a local police station

  • Incident at Bhiwadi (Rajasthan)

  • The arsenal was uncovered following an operation by the Delhi Police

Alwar (Rajasthan) – A shocking revelation has come to light that an Al-Qaeda training camp was operating in Bhiwadi, Alwar district. On August 22nd, Delhi Police arrested 6 suspects in a major operation. What is particularly alarming is that the hideout, where the suspects were being trained in weapons, was located just 700 meters away from the local police station. The suspects were reportedly training on a forested hill near the area.

This incident raises serious questions about the effectiveness of the Rajasthan Police, as they had no knowledge of the terrorist activities occurring so close to their station. It was only after the Delhi Police intervened that the Rajasthan Police became aware of Al-Qaeda’s presence in the state. The Director General of Police of Rajasthan has acknowledged this lapse and stated that an investigation is underway to determine the suspects’ connections to Rajasthan.

There have been alarming revelations about the terrorist base in Bhiwadi, where the suspects were staying in rented rooms. The police have recovered illegal arms, ammunition, and books promoting terrorist ideology from these rooms. According to local residents, the area was usually quiet, with few people visiting the location.

Editorial Perspective

If the police cannot uncover crimes happening just a short distance from their own station, it raises serious doubts about their ability to handle crimes in more remote areas. What confidence can the public have in a police force that fails to protect even in their immediate vicinity ?