Muslim Fanatics stone-pelted the ‘Bhusaval-Nandurbar Passenger’ train at Amalner for 20 Minutes !

Fanatics stopped the train 8 times by pulling the chain !

Railway Police Delayed Case Registration !

Fanatic Muslims pelt stones at train

Jalgaon, July 13 (News) – Bhusawal-Nandurbar Passenger Train (No. 09078) was halted by religious fanatics pulling the emergency chain eight times near Bhortek railway station in Amalner district. Following the halt, hundreds of fanatical Muslims who got off the train, pelted stones at the train for 20 minutes. Fortunately, no passengers were injured, but the incident created of fear among those on board. A case has been filed at Amalner Railway Police Station.

On July 12, thousands gathered at the dargah on Dhar hill in Amalner taluka. The Bhusawal- Nandurbar train departed Amalner railway station at 10:52 AM, carrying thousands of passengers. As the train approached Bhortek railway station, at 10:55 AM, some religious fanatics pulled the chain. Although this train has no scheduled stop at Bhortek, it was halted there for 20 minutes.

After learning of the incident, a report was made to the police. However, by the time they arrived, the fanatic Muslims had fled the scene, and the passenger train had departed. Fortunately, no injuries were reported, but videos of the event are now circulating on social media, showing hundreds of fanatics involved. During the incident, passengers aboard the train were screaming in fear, with one woman urging others to roll down the windows for safety.

Wrong statements by News Channels that the stones were thrown not by religious fanatics, but by the passengers !

Speaking to a correspondent from the daily ‘Sanatan Prabhat,’ an eyewitness said, ‘The Urus at the dargah on Dhar hill is held each year. The Muslims pull the train chain near Bhortek railway station to stop the Bhusawal-Nandurbar passenger train, as well as other incoming express trains. This year, they escalated their actions by throwing stones at the railways. After the Bhusawal-Nandurbar passenger train passed, they also halted the Tapiganga Express on the Chapra-Surat route by pulling the chain at noon. News channels and newspapers falsely
reported that ‘passengers pelted stones’ due to delays and frustration. In reality, it was the fanatics who stopped the train and threw stones.

Police delayed the crime registration by 24 hours !

The Bhusawal-Nandurbar passenger train and other express trains have frequently been halted by fanatics pulling the chain. Until now, no cases have been registered by the railway police due to lack of complaints. However, a case was filed 24 hours after this incident. There is widespread discussion that if a crime had been reported and investigated immediately, the perpetrators might have been apprehended.

Editorial Perspectives

  • As religious fanatics continue to threaten Hindus’ lives, police are failing to take decisive action and collect evidence for appropriate punishment.
  • This latest incident, occurring 77 years after independence, reveals that, despite a pro-Hindu government, Hindus still live under the threat of religious fanatics. When will the government and the Hindus take a stand ?
  • Where are those who claim that ‘Muslims in the country are frightened’ hiding ?