Create ‘Hindu Seva Kshetras’ to protect your mother and sisters :  Mr Virendra Pandey, Shoorvir Programme 

Topic – Anit-India narratives

Mr Virendra Pandey, Founder,  Shoorvir Programme 

Ramnathi, Goa – Today, many Hindus have left the villages and settled in cities for jobs or business. They have also taken their families with them. They live in a flat in the city with their wife, sister, and children. The sole breadwinner of the household is out all day for work or business. During this period a technician who comes to do some repair work in the house is mostly a Muslim. This Muslim technician who comes to the house gradually befriends the members of the household and then one day he begins to behave indecently with the wife or sister of that individual. It is necessary to create a cadre of Hindu artisans to prevent this potential threat from fanatics and to protect our mothers & sisters. For that, we should create a Hindu ‘Service Sector’ (Hindu Seva Kshetra), said Virendra Pandey, the founder of Shoorvir  Programme while speaking here. He was speaking on the topic ‘Hindu Ecosystem: The Concept of Shoorvir Programme’.Virendra Pandey further said that today every service sector in the society is under the control of Muslims. Through this medium, Muslims have created a big ‘cash economy’ similar to the Halal economy. This cash is being used for jihad and terrorist activities. Give jobs to Hindus to control this Bonds economy. Once a service area is out of your hands, it will never come back into your hands.