BJP workers celebrating PM Modi’s swearing-in attacked by Muslims in Mangaluru (Karnataka)

Three injured, one critical

Knife attack on 3 BJP workers for celebrating Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s swearing-in ceremony in Mangaluru Karnataka. (Credit – Asianet Suvarna News)

Mangaluru (Karnataka) – In the Boliyar area, 30 to 40 fanatic Muslims carried out a deadly knife attack on 3 BJP workers for celebrating Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s swearing-in ceremony. The injured workers, Harish, Nandakumar, and Krishna Kumar, were hospitalised. Harish is in a critical condition. The BJP workers were returning home on motorbikes after a celebratory ride when they were followed and attacked near a mosque in the Boliyar area. The Police have registered a case against 20 individuals in connection with this incident.

Editorial Perspective

In Congress-ruled States, Hindus are in a pitiable condition. Why are those who criticise BJP saying ‘Muslims are unsafe in the country’ silent about ‘Hindus being unsafe in Karnataka’ ?