Terrorist attack on Manipur CM’s security team

Terrorists ambush Manipur CM N Biren Singh’s convoy. (Credit – ETV Bharat)

Imphal (Manipur) – State Chief Minister N Biren Singh’s security convoy was attacked by terrorists. Fortunately, the Chief Minister was not present in the convoy. 2 security personnel have been injured in this attack on the advance security team of the Chief Minister. Chief Minister was to visit the violence-hit Jiribam and review the current situation. Advance security team was going to Jiribam to take stock of the situation.

After this incident, Manipur Police Commando and Assam Rifles have formed a joint team and a search operation is being conducted to trace the criminals. Chief Minister N Biren Singh has condemned this terrorist attack.

Editorial Perspective

This shows that terrorism in the North-East is set to destroy the rulers. It is necessary to end this terrorism.