India will become a Hindu Rashtra if Modi returns as PM : Pak’s Ex-Foreign Secretary

Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Islamabad (Pakistan) – “If Narendra Modi returns as the Prime Minister of India, he will have a right to amend the Constitution and India will become a Hindu Rashtra,” claimed Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry, Pakistan’s former Foreign Secretary, a few hours before the Indian Parliamentary election results were declared.

Points raised by Chaudhry

Amendment to the Constitution

In case, the BJP-led coalition gets a two-thirds majority in Parliament and Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister with an absolute majority, the BJP will have the right to amend the Constitution, and they will start making India, a Hindu Rashtra.

Modi keeps his promises from BJP’s election manifesto

We have observed that the BJP fulfils the promises from its manifesto after coming to power. Modi gave priority to his promises and fulfilled them on coming to power. In 2019, he talked about the withdrawal of Article 370 and did so after coming to power. This time after coming to power, his priority is to make India a Hindu Rashtra, for which he has already started the work.

Pakistan has no objection to India being a Hindu Rashtra

Nobody in Pakistan has an objection to India being a Hindu Rashtra. Make it a Hindu Rashtra if there are Hindus in the majority. It makes no difference to us. BJP people are, however, already harassing Muslims and other non-Hindus. Chaudhry claimed that there would be more problems for them with India becoming a Hindu Rashtra.

India will be emboldened to infiltrate and attack Pakistan

Winning with a higher majority will give the BJP an additional edge to enter and attack Pakistan, which, I feel, is a matter of concern for Pakistan. Pakistan should start the preparations now.