Saudi Arabia deports Pakistani nurses over online document forgery

Pakistani reporter criticises Pakistan while praising India

Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) – Pakistan has good relations with Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia, however, deported 92 nurses to Pakistan in March. The Saudi Government detected the forgery during routine online checks. Many nurses sent by a private recruitment company had the same fake online credentials. The company involved in this fraud has been blacklisted by the Saudi Government. Pakistani reporter Qamar Cheema has criticised the Pakistan Government and stated that Pakistan considers Saudi as a brother and still, cheats. Those nurses’ lives are shattered due to the recruiter’s fault who tried to save little money. Pakistan’s image has been tarnished, and Saudi’s doors are closed for the future. It is due to an addiction to shortcuts.

Indians are more trustworthy

Qamar Cheema

Qamar Cheema has added that Indians and Pakistanis work together in Saudi, but more Indians are working in the medical field. Doctors are not respected here. The good thing about the incident was that the concerned nurses didn’t get severe punishment. Indians have better opportunities than us because they are better educated, honest and trustworthy. They devote more time to any work and don’t get involved in political issues.

We ingrained ‘Jihad’ in every person

Qamar Cheema further added that Indians do not violate Saudi laws, but Pakistanis are involved in local political activities. Recently, Saudi detained Pakistanis, who were raising slogans against Israel. Pakistan Government would do whatever is necessary against Israel and the Pakistani citizens need not get involved in such matters. We have ingrained ‘Jihad’ in every person. Maulavis are constantly inciting people by teaching them that ‘Jihad’ is their duty.