Air hostess Surabhi Khatun arrested for smuggling 1 kg gold

  • Air hostess hid the gold inside her rectum
  • Incident in Muscat (Oman) – India flight
Accused Surabhi Khatun
Courtesy : TV9 Telugu

Kannur (Kerala) – An Air India air hostess has been arrested for smuggling 1 kg gold. She had hidden the gold in her rectum. Acting on an information, the officials of the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence arrested Khatun.

Police investigation revealed that in the past too, she had smuggled gold several times in the same manner. It is said that the other crew members could also be involved in this. That will lead to more arrests. Such incidents have taken place in the past too.

Editorial Perspective

The frequency of gold smuggling has risen. How is the Government planning to control it ?