Muslim shopkeeper in Kosi Kalan (Uttar Pradesh) prints ‘Islamic Market’ on bags instead of ‘Punjabi Market’

  • Police ignore complaints of the traders
  • Action taken after social media outcry

Kosi Kalan (Uttar Pradesh) – Wahid Qureshi, a shopkeeper in Punjabi Market, printed ‘Islamic Market’ instead of ‘Punjabi Market’ on plastic bags. This angered local traders who reported the issue to the Police, but no action was taken. However, after the issue gained traction on social media, pressure mounted on them, leading to Wahid Qureshi’s arrest for disturbing the peace. Additionally, the municipal council’s revenue department raided the shop and seized 25 kg of bags.

Municipal Executive Officer Nihal Singh stated that the authority to change or name any road, area, or market lies with the municipal council. Wahid Qureshi’s actions had escalated tensions. A notice has been issued to the shopkeeper, demanding a response within three days, after which appropriate action will be taken according to the regulations.

Editorial Perspectives

  • It is evident that Muslim traders dare such acts even under the BJP Government in Uttar Pradesh, showing they have no fear. Please note that such fanatic mindset individuals are poised to turn the country into an Islamic country.
  • The Yogi Adityanath Government should take action against Police personnel who failed to act on the traders’ complaints.