Muslims attack a Police station as a Muslim accused dies in the custody, 11 injured

  • Incident at Davanagere (Karnataka) 
  • Police vehicles set on fire

Davanagere (Karnataka) – A Muslim youth named Adil was taken into custody by the Police at Channagiri Police station in connection with a gambling case. After the arrest, he fell sick and died in a hospital. This enraged Muslims and a mob attacked the Police station, injuring 11 Police personnel. The Muslim attackers first pelted stones at the Police and then set Police vehicles, parked in the premises, on fire. Police cane-charged the rioters. Two Police personnel have been suspended for Adil’s death. Presently, an additional Police force has been deployed in the area. The Police are checking CCTV footage to identify the accused involved in the attack and take action.

The Police have refuted allegations of Adil’s persecution while in custody and claimed that within 5–6 minutes of their bringing him to the Police station, he felt sick; therefore, he was taken to a hospital. He was declared dead by the doctors. The Police have explained that he died due to low blood pressure, and no wounds were found on Adil’s body. His post-mortem will be carried out in the presence of a judge.

Editorial Perspective

Please note that religious fanatics dare to attack a Police station in the Congress- ruled Karnataka. It is a slap to Hindus who voted Congress to power.