Prepared to return to the RSS : Justice Chittaranjan Das at his retirement function

Kolkata – Calcutta High Court’s Justice Chittaranjan Das retired on 20th May 2024. At the farewell ceremony organised on this occasion, he said, “I am a member of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). If the RSS calls me for any help or service, I will surely go back to the organisation.”

Away from the RSS for 37 years due to work

Justice Das further said, ” I grew up in the RSS and have great respect for it. I learnt qualities like courage, honesty, equanimity, patriotism, commitment to work etc. Due to work, I have been away from the RSS for the last 37 years. I have never used my RSS connection for promotion in my career, as doing so, is against the RSS’ principles. I treated everyone equally while on the job. Everyone was equal in my eyes. I have not discriminated against anyone.”