Pakistan-occupied Kashmir will become part of India at the right time

EAM Dr S Jaishankar’s straightforward statement

New Delhi – In a candid interview with a national news channel, External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar made a straightforward statement about Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK). He asserted that a decision on PoK will be made when the time is right. “The entire country believes that PoK will be returned,” he said, pointing out the unexpected abrogation of Article 370 in Kashmir. He emphasized that the Union Government has a clear policy on PoK, stating, “PoK is a part of India, and we will take it back.”

Jaishankar further stated :

1. In 1949, because of Prime Minister Nehru, part of Kashmir came under Pakistani control, and some of that land was given to China by Pakistan. Why should Prime Minister Modi be blamed for Nehru’s mistake ?

2. After the abrogation of Article 370, the future of Kashmir changed. PoK is also an integral part of India. It was separated from the country due to someone’s mistake, but this issue will be resolved at the right time.

3. PoK will become a part of India, but everything has its time. We also need to be prepared.

4. Everyone knows the risks of taking a significant step without prior preparation. No one expected the abrogation of Article 370 from Jammu and Kashmir, but everything happened smoothly. Did we not prepare in advance for this ? We focused on development and created a framework, and the results were immediate.

In the next 6 months, PoK will be rejoined with India – Yogi Adityanath

In a recent election campaign rally, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath made a significant statement regarding PoK. He stated, “After the elections, Narendra Modi will become Prime Minister for the third time. Within the next 6 months, PoK will be rejoined with India.”