USCIRF report is biased

American Hindus criticise US Commission on International Religious Freedom for mentioning India as a ‘country of particular concern’ !

New York (USA) – A recent report by the US-based Commission on International Religious Freedom has mentioned India as a ‘Country of Particular Concern’. The US-based expert organisation ‘Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies’ has strongly objected to this. Regarding this, Mr Khanderao Kand, the chief of Policy and Strategy of the organisation, said, ‘This report is based on wrong facts and is created in a biased manner. Although Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world, it does not have a single representative on this commission. This is highly inappropriate.

The US Commission announced the appointment of 3 new members on 17th May. Among them are 2 Christians and 1 Muslim, while 2 Christians have been reappointed. The term of the previous commissioners — Abraham Cooper, David Curry, Frederick Davie, Mohamed Magid, Nury Turkel and Frank Wolf – ended on 14th May.

Publishing this report when elections are going on in India is incomprehensible: ‘Foundation for India and Indian Diaspora Studies’

Khanderao Kand further said,

1. What we observe in general and this year is that USCIRF’s annual report is predictably biased against India. It is full of omission and commission. It presents some of the facts, but it does not provide all the facts. It hides many facts.

2. The report mentions India as a ‘Country of Particular Concern’. Right now, the world is witnessing the world’s largest democratic exercises in India. It is strange to see that the USCIRF is recommending to India, which is based on diversity and pluralism.

3. The report focuses only on the issues of a particular religion.

4. India has a history of Hindu-Muslim riots, but last year there was no riot in India. However, this has not been noted in the report.

17 countries labelled as ‘countries of particular concern’ !

The US-based Commission on International Religious Freedom had declared 17 countries as countries of particular concern in its annual report at the beginning of May. These countries were accused of violating human rights and religious freedom. The list includes Myanmar, China, Cuba, Eritrea, Iran, Nicaragua, North Korea, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan, as well as Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, India, Nigeria and Vietnam.

Editorial Perspectives

  • The reports of such American commissions about India are worthy of nothing but being thrown in the trash. India should show the US its place now !
  • The Indian Government should appoint a commission on the injustice and oppression of the blacks, as well as brown (Indians) in the US and mention it as a ‘country of great concern’ !