‘New Nationalism’ and India’s Renaissance
Sri Aurobindo asserts that ‘Spirituality is indeed the master-key of the Indian mind; the sense of the infinite is native to it !
Sri Aurobindo asserts that ‘Spirituality is indeed the master-key of the Indian mind; the sense of the infinite is native to it !
If the wrongdoer has passed away, at least the act of crime should be reversed. What is the meaning of justice otherwise ?
Hindu schools can be nationalised or subjected to other Government controls from which minority schools are exempt !
It is important to avoid hereditary diseases–. Atharvaveda mentions the use of Bhagavati that is Laghushatavari, Aparajita or Vishnukranta and Taraka that is Indravaruni by expectant parents and pregnant women for the prevention of hereditary diseases.
Hindus in South India are being misrepresented, marginalised and oppressed, with a declining political voice and social rights !
Nationalism has been the favorite whipping boy of the Left. They try to confuse the narrative by making Nationalism synonymous to Fascism.
No one should preach about freedom with regards to Sanatan Dharma, which teaches respect for every living being on Earth !
After doing pradakshina, the individual is benefited by this Chaitanya. Therefore, the covering of distressing vibrations around them reduced a lot and their sattvikata increased to a large extent.