A Netherlands Court frames charges against 2 Pakistanis for issuing a fatwa against Geert Wilders

Geert Wilders, future Prime Minister of the Netherlands

Amsterdam (Netherlands) – A Dutch Court has framed charges against 2 Pakistani citizens for issuing a fatwa (religious decree) calling for the assassination of Geert Wilders, a critic of Islamic extremism and the prospective Prime Minister of the Netherlands. The Netherlands Government had previously requested Pakistan for the extradition of these 2 individuals. One of the accused is a 55-year-old maulavi (Islamic religious leader), and the other is a 29-year-old political leader. Geert Wilders is the leader of the ‘Party for Freedom’.

1.Geert Wilders shared this news on his ‘X’ account. He wrote that the charges have been formalised against those who issued a fatwa against him, expressing hope for their imminent punishment.

2.There is no extradition treaty between the Netherlands and Pakistan. The Dutch Prosecution Service has sent a request to Pakistani authorities for legal assistance in criminal cases.

3.Previously, Geert Wilders had stated in his manifesto, his intent to ban the Quran, Islamic schools, and mosques; but now he claims it will not happen. He expressed that their Government will strive to be more liberal, however, they continue to oppose the wearing of the hijab (a garment covering the head and neck worn by Muslim women) in
public places.