Chicken pieces found in a Jain woman’s vegetarian meal on Air India flight

Instead of taking action against the concerned, Air India asked the woman to delete pictures of the chicken pieces

(Credits: Twitter)

New Delhi – An incident has come to light wherein a Jain woman was served pieces of chicken in her vegetarian meal on an Air India flight. The woman has filed a complaint regarding this. She has spread the information about this matter through social media. Veera Jain is the name of the passenger. She has demanded the Union Government to take strict action against those concerned while circulating the photograph showing her meal with pieces of chicken.

Air India has advised Jain to file a direct complaint while asking her to delete the photograph she had circulated. On this, Jain expressed her anger while saying that Air India has only apologised. However, Air India is failing to understand that this is a matter of hurting religious sentiments.

Editorial Perspective

The Union Government needs to investigate this matter seriously.