Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil’s guidance to seekers on spiritual practice

Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil
Many seekers of Sanatan Sanstha who had not progressed spiritually despite performing spiritual practice for many years, were fortunate to attend the satsang of Sanatan Sanstha’s Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil by the grace of Sachchidananda Parabrahman
(Dr) Athavale.

Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil patiently listened to the difficulties faced by these seekers in their vyashti sadhana (Individual spiritual practice) and samashti sadhana (Spiritual practice for the spread of Spirituality) and guided them. The main points of the guidance are mentioned in this Article.

This is the concluding Part of the Article.

5. Efforts to be made to rectify mistakes made by the self and others during satseva

5A. It is necessary to contemplate on our own mistakes so as to comprehend them : If we are not able to comprehend our mistakes, we should observe our thoughts; because, thoughts are more dangerous, and if left unattended, they can explode. A wrong at the action level may still be tolerable, but not an incorrect thought. Do not keep thoughts in your mind. Write them down immediately.

5B. To rectify our mistakes, we should identify the incorrect thoughts that arise and eliminate their root cause : We should constantly observe the mind. This will also help us identify our mistakes. Pay attention to the thought process and rectify it. Find out how to overcome a thought. Identify incorrect thoughts and eliminate their root cause. Study why the mind has expectations and doership. When the number of correct thoughts in the mind increase, the appropriate actions will follow. This will lead to introversion.

5C. To avoid mistakes, pray repeatedly and seek God’s help : The first thought is a Divine thought, and if this is overlooked, mistakes will take place in the satseva. This is a typical problem faced by some seekers. At such times, do not dwell on why you overlooked God’s thought. God will keep suggesting. Even if we overlook the Divine thought, keep praying. God is merciful. He will correct us.

5D. If someone makes a mistake, don’t avoid pointing it out : If someone makes a mistake, do not have the attitude of not pointing it out. Tell him politely, without being reactive.

5E. Even if the spiritual level of a seeker reaches 60%, it does not mean that he has overcome all his personality defects; hence, he should be apprised about his mistakes : Reaching the spiritual level of 60% does not mean that the seeker has no personality defects. Remember that though he has some personality defects, it is because of some of his virtues that he has reached the spiritual level of 60%; you must tell him his mistakes.

6. Efforts to keep spiritual practice going

6A. Vyashti sadhana should be regular.

6B. Review your efforts in spiritual practice, mistakes, etc. every 30 minutes : Review your efforts every 30 minutes. Study what efforts you have made for spiritual practice, where you have fallen short, what mistakes you have made, etc. Decide in advance the efforts you will make as part of your spiritual practice during any activity, and upon completing the activity, review your efforts.

6C. Chanting should go on while performing satseva : The amount of chanting should be progressively on the rise. Chanting should go on intermittently while performing satseva. In short, we should remain in communion with God; only then every activity will get performed as spiritual practice.

6D. It is necessary to take autosuggestions daily and regularly on personality defects; otherwise there will be disruption in chanting : If chanting continues, personality defects reduce; however, autosuggestions should be taken for the personality defects that cause more suffering. Taking autosuggestions daily and regularly and behaving accordingly is necessary to overcome personality defects. If personality defects are more or an ego aspect is strong, it will disrupt chanting. Consequently, bhav (Spiritual emotion) will not get awakened.

6E. If daily chores are performed with bhav, it will be possible for spiritual practice to go on all the 24 hours of the day : If daily chores are performed with bhav, it can lead to spiritual practice all the 24 hours of the day. This may not be possible straightaway; but if you keep doing it, you will get used to it.

If you review your efforts every 30 minutes, you will realise what you have done in this period. If you fail to perform some activity with bhav, penalize yourself. With every activity, attention should be given to aspects such as for whom and why it this being done. Such efforts should be continuous. The present times are adverse and the negative energies are also powerful. Hence, make determined efforts; only then you will progress spiritually.

6F. Every karma should be performed as part of spiritual practice : We must be prepared to work hard in our spiritual practice. We only perform karma; but this should get counted as spiritual practice. If karma is not performed as spiritual practice, we will lag behind.

6G. Only if spiritual practice is performed daily with yearning, we will progress spiritually : Now, because of the severe adverse times, the rate of spiritual progress per year is barely 1%. Only if spiritual practice is performed daily with yearning, we can obtain the Guru’s grace, and this can lead to spiritual progress.

6H. To enhance our positive energy, it is important to perform spiritual practice regularly and with greater seriousness : At present, the negativity in the environment is very high. We will have to fight it and increase our positive energy; hence, it is important to perform spiritual practice regularly and with greater seriousness. Similarly, there has to be consistency in spiritual remedies to reduce the negative energy in us.

6I. Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale has advised Ashtangasadhana for the purification of all the subtle bodies of the seekers : Removal of personality defects & ego and chanting lead to the purification of the gross body. Awakening of bhav, being in satsang and performing satseva purify the mental body. Sacrifice purifies the causal body and Priti purifies the supra-causal body. Sachchidananda Parabrahman (Dr) Athavale has guided seekers to perform Ashtangasadhana so that all their subtle bodies get purified. Ashtangasadhana is the backbone of spiritual practice.

6J. Yearning is essential to change oneself and to keep learning continuously.

6K. Upon progressing in spiritual practice, every action of the seeker becomes effective as well as inspirational : The spiritual level of 60% means that the Sattva component in the individual is 60%. After reaching this level, whatever satseva we perform (such as medical, singing, propagation of Spirituality), becomes more effective as well as inspirational. Otherwise we cannot impart positivity (Chaitanya or Divine consciousness) to others.

– Sadguru (Dr) Mukul Gadgil, Sanatan Ashram, Ramnathi, Ponda, Goa. (30.9.2023)

To rectify our mistakes, we should identify the incorrect thoughts that arise and eliminate their root cause !