Hindu girl harassed by Muslims; brother defending her murdered

  • Incident at Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh
  • Agitated Hindus stage a ‘Road Block’ protest for 9 hours

Prayagraj (UP) – A 16-year-old boy, Satyam Sharma, was beaten to death by Muslims in Khiri village of Prayagraj District after he objected to the harassment of his sister. The Police, however, do not attribute the murder to the incident of harassment but to a brawl in the school. A case has been filed against 4 individuals, including Sarpanch Mohammad Yusuf. Following this gruesome incident enraged Hindus protested and blocked a road for 9 hours.

1. The incident occurred in front of Mohammad Yusuf’s house in the Turkpurwa neighbourhood. Yusuf did not intervene to stop the assailants while they were beating Satyam, allegedly because they were from his own family. A few other crimes have also been registered against Yusuf in the past.

2. Relatives of Satyam Sharma revealed that the girl also was harassed in school earlier. A complaint was lodged with the school administration at that time.

3. The school administrator, Manoj Pandey, said that following the complaint from the relatives, efforts were made to counsel the Muslim youths. Police constables were also stationed outside the school at times.

Editorial Viewpoints

  • Hindus do not expect such incidents to happen in a BJP-governed State ! The Uttar Pradesh Government should try to get the death penalty for the accused of this murder.
  • Please note that the political parties, pseudo-seculars and liberals who allege that ‘Muslims are unsafe in India’ will not open their mouths now.