Supreme Court stays the ASI survey of Gyanvapi till 26th July

The Muslim side instructed to approach the Allahabad High Court within 2 days in this matter

New Delhi – On the 21st of July the District Court of Varanasi had given the order for Survey in and around the Gyanvapi  Mosque. An appeal against this order was filed in the Supreme Court by ‘The Gyanvapi Masjid Management Committee’ and the ‘Anjuman Intezamia’ on the 23rd of July. The matter was heard on the morning of the 24th of July and the ASI survey stayed till 5 p.m. on the 26th of July.  During this period, the petitioners have been instructed by the Supreme Court  to approach the Allahabad High Court in this matter.

The Supreme Court on beginning the hearing asked the Muslim side why they had not appealed in the Allahabad High Court and had come directly to the Supreme Court ? To this question the Lawyer for the Muslim side said, after the District Courts decision there was no time to file an appeal in the High Court. Hence, we took a decision to appeal directly in the Supreme Court. We request you to stay the survey for 2 or 3 days.

This argument of the Muslim side was refuted by the lawyer of the Hindu side, and brought to the notice of the Court that their argument was not logical.

Tushar Mehta, the Solicitor General who was representing Uttar Pradesh Government told the Court, “I have taken instructions. As opposed to what my friend (counsel for the mosque committee) says that some wall is broken, my specific instructions are that not a brick is removed, nor contemplated to be removed at least for one week, if at all. What is going on right now is the measurement, photography, radar imaging, etc.”

The Hindu side will file a caveat in the High Court

Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain

The Hindu side has filed a Caveat (stating that no concrete action be taken without giving prior  information to the person who has filed the Caveat)  in the High Court and the Supreme Court. Now when the Muslim side is going to petition the Allahabad High Court, the Hindu side is going to file a caveat there too. This information was given by Advocate Vishnu Shankar Jain and he added that we will present arguments for the ASI Survey in the Allahabad High Court.

The Scientific survey had begun from 7 a.m. at the Gyanvapi

After the District Courts order the Archaeological Department had on the night of the 23rd of July discussed the matter with the Police and the Administration  about the planning for beginning the survey on the morning of the 24th of July.  Accordingly at 7 a.m. on the 24th of July began the scientific survey.  At that time about 60 individuals comprising of the Archaeological department, and the representatives of the Hindu Community were present.  No member of the Muslim side was present as they had decided to condemn the survey.

(Credit : DD News)

The Supreme Court after hearing the appeal of the Muslim side ordered a stay on the survey after 11 a.m. The survey at the Gyanvapi was stopped after that. The work of surveying had gone on for about  4 hours. In this time cameras had been fitted in the four corners of the area. Measurements were taken using a measuring tape. Information had been collected by going to the area of the dome. But as the basement was dark the surveyors found it a bit difficult there.  There was a large Police Presence outside the Gyanvapi Mosque during the survey.

Though the survey has been stayed now it will be resumed when permission is obtained. It is said that the job will finish fast if it is only a scientific survey. But if there is a need to dig then more time might be need to complete the survey.

The survey will be conducted using the ‘Ground penetrating Radar’ or  the ‘Jio Radiology system’

“Ground penetrating Radar’ is GPR or ‘Jio Radiology System’ will be used for doing the survey. The archaeological department uses these modern systems to investigate old buildings. Through this method, things 15 meter below the surface can be seen clearly.  This morning, advocate Vishnu Jain told the people that GPRS  and modern methods will be used today for the survey.  A team of the Archaeological department was moving to and from in a straight line examining the place. They were searching for the artefacts of the days gone by.  Walls, pillars, foundations, or the colour of the mud can give indication of these facts.  While this team was doing its work another was looking for clues about the environment.

In which area or portion of the Masjid will this survey be done ?

The District court has directed that the area below the three domes should be examined using the GPRS and if necessary then digging could be done.  The survey and digging should be done below the western wall of the building. All the underground basements have to be survey and digging too be done where necessary. The Court has said that Vyasji’s basement in the Gyanvapi should be surveyed and dug if needed.  Videography of the entire process of surveying is to be done.