Roshan Ali accepted Hinduism to marry a Hindu girl, but later forcibly converted his wife after marriage !

Another incident of Love Jihad in Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh !

Hardoi (Uttar Pradesh) – A unique case of Love Jihad has now popped up. A Muslim man named Roshan Ali married a Hindu girl in Delhi. To convince the girl for marriage, Ali converted himself to Hinduism and then married her according to Hindu rituals. Two months into the marriage, he took her to his village Rampur in the Hardoi district of Uttar Pradesh. (It is a shame for Hindus that a person with the mentality of a Ravan is living in the town of Rampur! – Editor) Once there, he forcibly converted her to Islam and made a Nikah (Marriage according to Islamic customs) with her. Local Hindu organisations have complained to the Police and demanded the arrest of Roshan Ali and his family.

Roshan Ali, who runs a flower shop in Delhi, introduced himself as Roshan Lal and lured a local Hindu girl into Love Jihad. The 2 decided to get married but when the girl’s family realised that his name is Roshan Ali, they refused to go ahead with the marriage. Due to this obstacle, Roshan Ali went to the nearest Arya Samaj temple, converted himself to Hinduism, became Roshan Lal and then married the girl. Later, he brought his wife to a village in Hardoi and forcibly converted her to Islam. The victim’s family lodged a complaint against Roshan Ali to the Police with the help of local Bajrang Dal activists. The Police are currently investigating the matter.

Editorial Viewpoints

  • Many such efforts are happening to convert Hindu girls to Islam. Beware of such hypocritical Muslims who are up to such nefarious schemes !
  • This incident once again makes it clear that such fanatical Muslims of Uttar Pradesh have no fear of the law ! It would not be surprising if someone demands that such people be punished by tying their hands and feet, bury up to their neck in a pit and then be stoned to death.