Police complaint lodged against Faizan Khan by a Hindu girl in Indore after watching The Kerala Story

  • The positive effect of the film “The Kerala Story’
  • Khan was accused of raping the girl and forcing her to convert

(Credit : Since Independence)

Indore (MP) – A Hindu girl has filed a case against her Muslim lover Faizan Khan of the Khajrana area in Indore. She said that after seeing ‘The Kerala Story’, she could build up the strength to file a case against Faizan. The Police have arrested Faizan.

He befriended her, coaxed her to change her house and when she started living alone, he established sexual relations with her under the pretext of marriage. She is working while he is unemployed. The victim reported that he started pestering her to embrace Islam after a few days. Later, Faizan started pressurising the girl to accept Islam and when she refused, he started fighting and beating her up. He warned her of dire repercussions and threatened to kill her, her brother, and her mother if she did not listen to his instructions. A few days ago, they both saw The Kerala Story. On the 18th of May Faizan asked her when she was going to convert to Islam. When she refused, he beat her up. After that, she got the courage and filed a case against him with the Police, informed Dinesh Verma, Indore Police officer. He said the case against Faizan is of rape, violence, beating up, and forced conversion.

(Credit : VK News)

Editorial Viewpoint

The Hindus are realising the importance of education on Dharma because of the film ‘The Kerala Story’. Please note that if Hindus are given education on Dharma and motivated to perform sadhana, then no ‘Love Jihadi’ will dare to look at the Hindu girls.