Ashutosh Pandey, petitioner of Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi dispute threatened by Muslim youth

Ashutosh Pandey

Mathura – The ‘Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi Mukti Nirman Trust’ has once again been threatened. Ashutosh Pandey informed that a Muslim youth threatened him saying, ‘Withdraw from the case of Idgah masjid on the Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi. Or else be ready to face the consequences.’

Previously too Ashutosh Pandey has received similar threats. He has filed a complaint regarding this at the Police station. The Muslim encroachers have built the Idgah masjid on the birthplace of Shrikrushna. In order to get this auspicious land back, Hindus are legally fighting for it.

(Credit : Capital TV Uttar Pradesh)

Last year, the lead litigant of this matter Mahendra Pratap received a similar threat. He had filed a complaint at the Vrindavan Police station and demanded protection. Mahendra Pratap had accused the Chairman of Jama Masjid Zahid Qureshi of threatening to kill him.

Editorial viewpoint

This implies that the people who threaten the Hindus legally fighting for their places of worship do not trust the legal system? ?