Ban the education in Madarsas that spreads religious fanaticism in Karnataka

A memorandum of appeal to Education Minister B.C.Nagesh

(Left side) Education Minister B.C.Nagesh and Samiti’s State Spokesman Mr Mohan Gowda

Bengaluru (Karnataka) – A memorandum of appeal by Hindu Janjagruti Samiti was given to Education Minister B.C. Nagesh, and Sunil Kumar Minister of Kannad and Culture; urging them to put a request in the legislative assembly, that the education given in the Madarsas be banned. And also a request that the Popular Front of India which promotes terrorist activities should also be banned. At this time the Samiti’s State Spokesman of the Mr Mohan Gowda, Pro-Hindu leader Mr Prashant Sabrangi, Mr Punit Kerehalli, Mr Mune Gauda, Advocate Tyagraj, Mr Padmanabha Hoole were present.

( Second from left) Sunil Kumar Minister of Kannad and Culture and Samiti’s State Spokesman Mr Mohan Gowda

In this memorandum, it is said,

1. Hundreds of Madarsas are active in the State running Government grants. Of late it is seen that the Madarsas are indoctrinating children to have antinationistic, and anti-national feelings, and hatred against the majority community is being taught there. Some teachers and students of the Madarsas in the state have been arrested for terrorist activities.

2. It is being seen that in Karnataka the students, teachers, and Maulavis (Islamic Religious leaders) of the  Madarsas have participated in rioting, murder, and spreading antagonism. Recently when Kaniyhalal of Rajastan was murdered, Arif Muhammad Khan, Governor of Kerala said very emphatically that the Madarsas all over the country are spreading fanatisism, hence they should be banned. The ex-chief of Shia Central Waqf Board Wasim Rizvi ( Now Shri Jitendra Tyagi) had emphatically said that the Madarsas teach antinationalistic thoughts, so there should be a ban on them.

3. Last month after a Maulavi in Assam was arrested for terrorist activities the Government of Assam closed most of the Madarsas and transferred them to normal Government schools. Not only this the Uttarakhand Government has deregistered 17 Madarsas in the state. The Uttar Pradesh Government has ordered a survey of about 7,000 Madarsas in the state. It is found that in some madarasas’ girls are being sexually harassed. Not only this Priyank Kanoongo Chairman of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, says that in the Madarasas, there is a violation of Section 21 of the Constitution giving the right to Education to every Indian.

4. The above points are of great importance for the security of the country, as well as for the religious harmony in the states. hence the Karnataka Government should treat this matter seriously and ban the recognition given to the madarasa s and their education.