The girl’s right to the father’s property does not end with the love marriage : Gujarat High Court

Ahmedabad (Gujarat) – Gujarat High Court has ordered to hand over immediately the property of a deceased person to his daughter. Relatives of this daughter had opposed her love marriage. Gujarat High Court has given the verdict stating that the girl’s right to her father’s property does not end with the love marriage. The girl’s right to property should be protected in such a case.

The High Court has stated further that the daughter should not be deprived of living a quality life. In the issue of such a love marriage, the daughter’s right to property should be protected, otherwise, the Constitutional right to choose a life partner cannot give her a complete and quality life; opined the High Court.

The High Court issued an order to the local Police and the Legal Services Authority to start the process of handing over immediately the girl’s deceased father’s property in her name, namely the 2 houses, a shop and farmland. Her mother had passed away some years ago and her father passed away in December 2021.