Bajrang Dal activists attack a restaurant that organised ‘Pakistani food festival’ in Surat, Gujarat

Editorial comments

  • In India, the Government does nothing about the acts favouring our enemy, Pakistan, such as waving the Pakistani flag, bursting firecrackers on Pakistan’s victory or pelting stones when Pakistan is defeated in the cricket match, raising slogans in support of Pakistan, Kashmir leaders praising Pakistan, organising food festival in the name of Pakistan, etc. Patriots should unite to act against traitors who commit the above type of crimes. 
  • People who praise the enemy country should be prosecuted and put behind bars for life. 

Surat (Gujarat) – Bajrang Dal activists attacked and vandalised a restaurant in the Ring Road area in Surat, which organised a Pakistani food festival. They set the banner on fire that advertised the Pakistani food festival. The food festival was organised by the ‘Taste of India’ restaurant from 12th to 22nd December. The Pakistani food festival was also organised as a part of this food festival. The restaurant accepted their mistake, said the senior leader of Bajrang Dal.

  1. Gujarat Bajrang Dal President Deviprasad Dubey said we will not allow restaurants to organise such a festival. No such festival will be tolerated.
  2. Sandeep Dawar of ‘Sugar N Spice Restaurants’, which operates ‘Taste of India,’ said they will strike out the word ‘Pakistani’ from the food festival as it hurts the sentiments of some people. No case has been registered in this matter.