India will become a Hindu Rashtra in the coming 3-1/2 years ! : Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati

Gorakhpur (UP) – Govardhan Pitha’s Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati said while speaking to the reporters that India would become a Hindu Rashtra in the coming 3-1/2 years. He had come to Gorakhpur to attend a few religious programs.

Shankaracharya Swami Nishchalananda Saraswati further said,

India was not declared as a Hindu Rashtra after partition due to the then directionless Government and political parties. You can either review this Hindu Rashtra which is going to be established or just watch it from a distance or participate in it.

The Indian leaders are ignorant about Dharma and policies. There is no dearth of political leaders, but they are ignorant about political definitions. Can we expect prestige, security, prosperity, and the creation of a good society from such leaders ? Insolence, following the policy of ‘divide and rule’ or gaining power is not politics, but when a policy is adopted to make individuals and society self-reliant and cultured, that is politics.

It has been stated in ‘Mahabharat’, ‘Matsyapuran’, and ‘Agnipuran’ that the other name of politics is ‘Rajdharma (Duty of the Ruler)’. Policy and Dharma are its alternative names.

He was asked about the alternative for the word ‘Hindu’; when Shankaracharya said that ‘Sanatani’, ‘Vaidik’, ‘Arya’, and ‘Hindu’, all these 4 words can be used. ‘Hind Mahasagar (Indian Ocean)’, ‘Hindukush’, Hindi, Hindu are ancient words. The word ‘Hindu’ has been used even in ‘Purans’ and ‘Rugveda’.