BJP Government in Uttarakhand to give Rs. 50,000 to couples who go in for interfaith marriage

Erroneous objective was to strengthen national unity

  • Implementation of such scheme is nothing less than the betrayal of Hindus, while on the other side there is a significant rise in ‘Love Jihad’ cases in the country!
  • It is very strange of Uttarakhand BJP Government to implement such scheme and raise the reward compensation especially when BJP Governments in Haryana, U.P., M.P. and Karnataka have announced to make a law against ‘Love Jihad’, and BJP has resolved to make the law if they form the Government in West Bengal and Maharashtra. Hindus do not expect the BJP to run such schemes!


Dehradun (Uttarakhand) – Uttarakhand BJP Government has introduced a scheme where it will reward the couples having interfaith or inter-caste marriage with compensation of Rs. 50,000 to motivate such unions. This scheme is already being implemented with the reward money of Rs. 10,000 . To obtain reward under this scheme, such couples are required to register their marriage and notify it to the Social Welfare Department of the State. In addition to this, couples are also required to apply for the reward within a year of marriage.

  1. Among the conditions in case of inter-caste marriages, the couple must be from the castes mentioned in section 341.
  2. Tehri’s Social Welfare Officer Deepankar Ghildiyal told that such schemes would result in strengthening the unity of the nation. (Authorities should declare what is the proportion of the rise in national unity that was achieved as well as the proportion of assaults on Hindu women as a result of such schemes. – Editor)