Celebrate 14th February as Parent’s Day in schools and colleges to stop malpractices taking place in the name of Valentine’s Day

For some years now, the wrong tradition of westerners to celebrate Valentine’s Day on 14th February has taken root in India too.
It is because of this perverse idea put forth by the westerners for monetary gains in the name of love, that the young generation is falling prey to vices such as consumerism and immorality.

Against the background of Valentine’s Day and in the name of perverse display of love, many incidents from molestation of girls in one-sided love to violence have been taking place. Likewise, through parties organised on this day, malpractices such as consumption of alcohol, smoking, use of drugs have increased to a great extent.

Increase in the sales of contraceptives on this day indicates a rise in immoral activities. Many vehicles meet with accidents due to rash driving by boys just to impress their girlfriends.

In short, due to the celebration of Valentine’s Day, wantonness and consumerism, which are detrimental to the law and order situation in schools and colleges, and environment in the schools are on the increase day-by-day.

This puts additional pressure on the administration and the Police system. To check these malpractices, some social organisations are making efforts to create an ideal alternative for the young generation by promoting this day as Parent’s Day for the past few years. This programme includes coming together of parents at a public place, and by worshipping them, display love for them collectively.

The number of senior citizens who are neglected by their offspring is on the rise in our country. The Government too is worried about this social problem caused by the influence of western culture, and is trying to enlighten society from the social perspective. By celebrating the Parent’s Day, the sentiments of displaying courtesy and respect for the parents develop. Organising Parent’s Day is, in a way, like promoting Government policies. Hindu Janajagruti Samiti appeals to youth to refrain from celebrating Valentine’s Day and instead promote the concept of Parent’s Day.

Due to the celebration of Valentine’s Day, wantonness and consumerism in schools and colleges are on the increase day-by-day !