Turkiye, the all-weather supporter of Pakistan, remains silent for the first time in the United Nations on the issue of Kashmir

Possibility of Turkiye’s participation in the BRICS organisation

(BRICS stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa)

Turkish Chief Erdogan

New York (USA) – Turkiye, which has always supported Pakistan on the issue of Kashmir, has now kept silent in the United Nations General Assembly. Since the removal of Article 370 for Kashmir i.e. since 2019, Turkiye has been voicing its opinion in favour of Pakistan. Now the head of Turkiye, Erdoğan, however, remained completely silent this time.

Turkiye wants to join BRICS. India is a founding member of BRICS. The organisation’s summit will be held in Kazan, Russia next month. Erdogan may participate in it.

Editorial Perspective

To participate in the BRICS organisation, India should make a condition that Turkiye should speak in favour of India without keeping silent on the Kashmir issue.