Government looting temples just as Mughals and British did

VHP to protest against Government control of temples

New Delhi – “State Governments in the country are controlling Hindu temples, and corruption is occurring through committees appointed by the Government. Just as temples were looted during the Mughal and British eras, Government is looting the temples now. The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) will protest against this,” stated VHP’s General Secretary Surendra Jain at a press conference. He also announced that ‘Hindu money is meant for Hindus only’. He also said that protests will involve rallies in the capitals of each State, and statements will be submitted to the respective Chief Ministers.

Surendra Jain further said,

Handover the temples to Hindus

Politicians who cannot be accommodated within the cabinet are appointed to the temple committees. All these temples are under the Government control. The solution to this issue is to handover the temples under Government control back to the Hindu community. Hindu community is capable of managing the temples under the guidance of Saints. The Tamil Nadu Government controls more than 400 temples, and these temples have suffered losses amounting to ₹50,000 crore in the last 10 years.

Muslims run their religious institutions; why can’t Hindus ?

The Government’s control over temples is unconstitutional according to Article 12 of the Constitution, which states, ‘The State has no religion’. So who gives the State Government the right to control temples ? Articles 25 and 26 grant us full authority to manage our institutions. If Muslims can manage their religious institutions, then why can’t Hindus ?

Editorial Perspective

First, temples in the BJP-ruled States must be freed from Government control. Once that happens, it will be easier for Hindus in other States to put pressure on the respective Governments.