Locals vandalise Arif’s shop for making obscene gestures toward a Hindu girl

Incident in Chamoli, Uttarakhand

Chamoli (Uttarakhand) – A case has been registered against a man named Arif, who runs a barbershop in Nandanagar, for making obscene gestures toward a minor Hindu girl. In response, an angry crowd vandalised his shop. Arif is currently absconding, and the Police are searching for him.

According to the complaint filed by the girl’s parents, the 24-year-old Arif, who runs the salon, had been making obscene gestures at the victim for several days. Initially, the victim ignored his actions. However, after Arif repeated his behaviour, the girl informed her mother. Following this, the girl’s father filed a complaint with the Police, demanding strict action against the accused. Members of the Hindu organisations and local residents learnt about this incident. In protest, they organised a march and later vandalised Arif’s shop.

Editorial Perspective

Some might say that the Police, administration, Government and judiciary are responsible for people taking the law into their hands; because such lustful individuals are not given immediate and severe punishment by these institutions.