Om Certificate to tackle the Halal certificate based Islamic economy : Narendra Surve, HJS

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 3 – National Security and Protection of Dharma

Narendra Surve, Spokesperson, Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, Delhi

Islamic onslaught of India has been going on for centuries. The aggressors have changed their methods of attack during this period. The USA ruled the world on the strength of its economy. So with the idea that a strong economy will help control the world, the first step was to introduce Islamic Banking. Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, an economist himself, allowed Islamic banking in India during the Congress government in India. But then the government changed and nothing materialised. After that Halal certification was introduced. In 2017, Halal certification was valued at US $2.1 trillion (more than 1 thousand 754 lakh crore rupees). By 2028, the economy of Halal certification is likely to increase to US $4 trillion (over Rs. 3,400,000,000 crores). Halal certification has faced opposition in Japan, Australia, France. Halal certification has been banned in Uttar Pradesh since November 2023. Post-ban, 3,000 kg of Halal products were seized in Uttar Pradesh. Poor quality prasad is offered in shops located at pilgrimage sites in Maharashtra. Therefore, the prasad shops located at the places of pilgrimage will be issued an Om Certificate by Om Pratishthan. Hindus should use the Om Certificate to deal a blow to Halal Certification.