Many nationed referred to Manusmriti to prepare their laws : Bharatacharya H.H. Prof. SC Shevde, Rashtriya Pravachankar and Kirtankar

Vaishvik Hindu Rashtra Mahotsav (2024) Day 4 :

Bharatacharya H.H. Prof. S.C. Shevde, Rashtriya Pravachankar and Kirtankar, Mumbai, Maharashtra

The universe is eternal and the ruler of this universe is God. This universe is governed according to the Vedas. The system of the universe is such that the one who does injustice has to suffer the torments of hell, while the one who behaves righteously gets good results. Those who do not believe in God do not believe in this system. God created the Vedas as a means to understand Dharma. Old gold does not diminish in value. Similarly, though the Vedas are ancient, their knowledge is not outdated. God has infinite knowledge. Fire would consume wood even in Satyayuga, it does so in Kaliyuga too. The knowledge in the Vedas is similarly eternal. Manu was the first person on earth to say this. Manu was a king. When westerners did not even know how to wear clothes, Manu wrote Manusmriti. I find this Manu who has provided such knowledge reverential. Many countries refered to Manusmriti to prepare their laws. I appeal to you to not tolerate contempt of scriptures Manusmriti, Vedas, etc., said Bharatacharya H.H. Prof. S.C. Shevde. He was speaking on politics over Manusmriti.