India should not play cricket with Pakistan; if they do, should defeat Pakistan

Karnataka Assembly Speaker U T Khader’s statement on India-Pakistan cricket match

U T Khader’s

Mangaluru (Karnataka) – India will play against Pakistan in the T20 World Cup in the US on 9thJune. Commenting on this match, Karnataka Assembly Speaker U T Khader said, “We should not play cricket with Pakistan. We have seen tensions escalate when Pakistan played against India before. We had stopped playing with them in India, how is it justified to play with them in a foreign country ? In my opinion, until they change their behaviour, there is no need to play with them.”

Khader added, “If we play a match with Pakistani team tomorrow, we do not want a simple victory, we want honour for our country. We need a resounding defeat of Pakistan.”

Editorial Perspective

This India-Pakistan cricket match has been planned a few months ago. Why didn’t Khader protest then ? Now when the match is to begin in a few hours, he comes out with this statement. Obviously, it is a sham and only a facade of patriotism.