Abid Khan brutally assaults the family of an engaged Hindu woman

  • ‘Love Jihad’ in Ashoknagar (Madhya Pradesh)
  • Accused had raped the victim several times, fatally assaulted her family when marriage was fixed

Ashoknagar (Madhya Pradesh) – A man named Abid Khan attempted to lure a 22-year-old Hindu woman into a romantic relationship and repeatedly raped her. He also recorded her obscene videos. After her engagement to another man, Abid Khan, along with some accomplices, attempted to abduct the woman from her home by threatening her family with swords. When the victim’s father and brother resisted, Abid Khan severely injured the father by breaking his leg and the brother by breaking his arm, also brutally beat up her mother. Neighbours threatened the assailants after hearing the family’s cries, forcing them to flee, leaving the girl behind. (How can Hindu families be unsafe in India ? Is this India or Pakistan ? – Editor).

1. The woman’s family and her fiancé’s family were also threatened. During the attack, Abid and his accomplices wielded swords and iron rods.

2. Superintendent of Police Vineet Kumar Jain reported the arrest of the main accused. The search for his accomplices is ongoing.

Police reluctant to file a case

Initially, the Police were reluctant to file the charges in this case. Only after pressure from devout Hindu organisations was the complaint registered, though the victim’s family had to wait at the Police station for 6-7 hours. The complaint was filed around 1 a.m. (It is unacceptable that the Police handle cases of atrocities against Hindus in this manner under a BJP-led Government in Madhya Pradesh. Such Police officers should be dismissed immediately – Editor).

Editorial Perspective

Despite the anti-Love Jihad law in Madhya Pradesh, numerous incidents of Love Jihad have surfaced over the past month. Many incidents involve attacks or abductions of Hindu women or their family members. What measures are the Madhya Pradesh Police taking to prevent such occurrences ?