Six Hindus arrested by Belagavi Police for putting up hoarding to raise awareness about ‘Love Jihad’

Anti-Hindu administration of Congress Government in Karnataka

Hoardings put up to spread awareness about ‘love jihad’

Belagavi – A case has been registered against 9 Hindus in Khadebazar Police Station for putting up hoarding raising awareness about Love Jihad in Bapat Galli area. 6 of them have been arrested. Khadebazar Police have registered a case against all of them under section 295 (a), 505, 143, 148 and 149. Nageh Murkute, one of the accused, has been granted bail by the Court. Among the accused are Chetan Killedar, Shubham Killedar, Loknath and Lokesh Rajput, Satish Gawane, Kartik Gawane, Vinay Murkute, Apanna Rayade and Prashant Chavan, all residents of Bapat Galli.

1. On the night of 12thMay, 2 hoardings were put up at Bapat Galli to spread awareness about ‘Love Jihad’. Their pictures were circulated on social media.

2. Some religious fanatics objected to this. Therefore, the Police registered a case against 9 people on 13thMay and arrested 6 people.

Editorial Perspectives

  • The Police neither take any action against Love Jihad, nor do they let others do anything about it. Can such Police force ever be able to eradicate crime from the society ?
  • Recently in Karnataka, Love Jihad took the life of a Hindu girl named Neha Hiremath. While this is a reality, the Police are arresting Hindus who put up hoardings against Love Jihad. This way, the Police are supporting the religious fanatics who engage in these crimes. This proves that since the Congress Government came to power in Karnataka, atrocities against Hindus have increased.