Country’s first legendary OTT ‘Hari Om’ to start

(Note: OTT stands for ‘over the top’. It can be used to broadcast various programs directly to the public through the Internet.)

New Delhi – An OTT organisation called ‘Ullu’ has announced the launch of India’s first legendary OTT app. Vibhu Agarwal, head of Ullu App, said that the name of this app is ‘Hari Om’ and it will be launched in June 2024. It will include more than 20 ancient items. Through this app, one can watch and listen to Bhajans in audio and video format.

Information has recently surfaced that Ullu Digital is in the process of bringing its IPO. For this, the organisation has submitted the necessary documents to the Market Regulatory Board (‘SEBI’). Through this, the organisation wants to raise 135 to 150 crore rupees. It has also come to light that it will bring 62.6 lakh new shares in the market.

IPO stands for Initial Public Offerings. This process is followed to convert a private organisation into a public organisation. Hence, the organisation issues shares. By issuing shares to the public, the institution receives capital and the general public receives interest on the investment in such institutions.