NEW DELHI – Health experts have expressed serious concern regarding the dangers of eye- related diseases in a recently released report. More than 30 crore people are likely to be at risk of ‘age-related macular degeneration’ by 2040 due to the way our lifestyles are deteriorating, experts said. This disease is considered to be the leading cause of short vision or serious eye diseases. This disease mostly hits post 50 years of age. It can also be due to genetics. Currently, more than 20 crore people worldwide are victims of this disease.
This disease is caused when the central part of the retina (a vital organ in the eye) in your eye (called the ‘macula’) becomes damaged. Ophthalmologist Marco Alejandro Gonzalez says,’ Many factors have been found to be responsible for this problem. It is considered very important to understand the symptoms and causes of this eye-related disease and to try to prevent this disorder from childhood.’
How to prevent this disease
1. The researchers said that smoking, high blood pressure or high cholesterol, high consumption of ‘saturated fat’, obesity etc. can increase the risk of this eye disease. ‘Saturated fat’ is mainly found in ‘cheese&’, ‘butter’, beef, ‘pastry’, coconut oil, chocolate, ice cream.
2. There is no cure for this disease. Some measures can be taken to reduce its symptoms.
3. Be careful if you have high blood pressure. Control your weight and exercise regularly.
4. Such daily habits can be helpful in keeping the eyes healthy for a long time.